Reading Notes: Nursery Rhymes, Part B

    This week I chose to read the Nursery Rhymes unit. These nursery rhymes are from The Nursery Rhyme Book by Andrew Lang. I really enjoyed this unit. It was a nice little break reading these nursery rhymes rather than full stories. I do have to say though that reading through all of the nursery rhymes takes a lot longer than reading through regular stories. While reading the various nursery rhymes, I was brought back to my childhood and eighth grade days where we would write poems. While reading through these nursery rhymes, I could not help but read them in narrator voice this time around. All of the nursery rhymes in Reading B were pretty much fun to read, but often times they all got pretty old, or long and I wanted to skip them.

    The nursery rhyme sections that I enjoyed the most in Reading B were Nursery Rhymes: Jingles and Nursery Rhymes: Natural History, Part 2. The nursery rhymes in these two sections were entertaining and passed by quicker than the other sections. Most of these nursery rhymes are about animals or food, which are always fun to rhyme with.

    The rest of the nursery rhyme sections in Reading B were all pretty much the same. The sections include jingles, love and matrimony, natural history, accumulative stories, and relics. Even though these sections are about different topics, most of the nursery rhymes seemed to just all fade together. The section that I enjoyed the least was the Nursery Rhymes: Accumulative Stories. Judging by the title you can suspect that the nursery rhymes in the section will build up sentence by sentence. They did indeed do that, and I did not care for those at all. To me, there was just too much wording, and it was very repetitive. 


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