Reading Notes: Turkish Fairy Tales, Reading A

    This week I decided to read the Turkish Fairy Tales unit. All of the stories from Reading A are from Forty-four Turkish Fairy Tales by Ignacz Kunos. This is another unit that I really enjoyed because each of the stories were fascinating in their own ways.
    The story Fear was not my favorite, but it was still engaging. The first part of the story was interesting and led me to keep reading, but the second part of the story became boring to me. However, I did like the ending of the story and how the main character found fear and was reunited with his mother.
    I found the story The Wizard-Dervish to be an appealing story. There were twists and turns throughout the story, as well as something new was to always happen. I liked one of the main characters, the maiden who was fond of the prince. The maiden could turn herself into a dove which I found exciting. Her character was the reason why this story was engaging. She was able to turn herself into almost anything as well as the prince.
The story of The Fish-Peri was another intriguing reading in this unit. I liked how magical it was, as well as the suspense involved. I liked the fish character because she was able to turn herself into a maiden. The maiden helped the fisherman with all of the tasks that the king made him do. I liked how the king did not get his way and that the maiden and the fisherman ended up getting married. 
Lastly, I also found The Crow-Peri story enjoyable to read. This story was similar to the The Fish-Peri story, but it had its differences. It was also full of magic and had suspense to it. The crow character helped the bird-catcher with king’s tasks. In the end, the crow was reunited with her old master, the queen. The queen then returned her to her maiden form, and she married the bird-catcher. I liked this one more than The Fish-Peri story because the story wasn’t just about marriage, it was about how the crow still cared for the queen even though the queen turned her into a crow.


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