Reading Notes: Arabian Nights, Part A

    This week I chose to read the Arabian Nights unit by Andrew Lang. So far, this has been my absolute favorite unit. I was going to split up the readings throughout the day, but I found myself wanting to continue reading so I could find out what happens next in the story. All of the stories in Reading A are interconnected, and even though there were a lot of stories, they were all fascinating to read. The Reading A stories were all filled with suspense and curiosity. The whole time you didn’t know if someone was going to die or not. There were also various settings throughout the story, and they were all detailed. I could picture these stories in my head while reading them.

    The Story of the Merchant and the Genius, The Story of the First Old Man and of the Hind, and The Story of the Second Old Man, and of the Two Black Dogs were my favorites of all the readings. Even though there seems to be three readings, it was one big story. The magic involved in these stories are what I liked most about them. There were quite a few characters throughout the story, but it was easy to keep up with all of them. Each of the characters had their own unique and interesting stories of how they ended up where they were.

    I was able to find out the endings to each of the stories told within the big story, but I did not find out the ending to big story. I wanted to know if the Sultan spared her life or if he didn’t. I was also curious that if he did spare her life if he ended up falling in love with her or not. I just might have to do some extra credit reading to find out my answers. 


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