How I've Handled Growth Mindset
I had not heard of Carol Dweck or growth mindset before this assignment. After watching her ted talks, I feel that I learned quite a bit about growth mindset, and how I have handled growth mindset in my life. With my schoolwork I have had a fixed mindset. When I would get something wrong or fail, I would focus on what I got wrong or what I did to fail. I never focused on the things I got right or the effort I put in. With my schoolwork I wanted things to be easy, challenge was not in my comfort zone because my mindset was fixed. With cheerleading I have had a growth mindset. When things would go wrong such as not landing a tumbling pass or dropping a stunt, I would focus on what I could do to make the tumbling pass and stunt better so I can land and not fall. I put effort in and even if I didn't succeed, I knew that it wasn't wasted effort because you can always benefit from doing something wrong. Cheerleading was always challenging because there is always something new to learn or something you can perfect.
I am super interested in learning more about growth mindset this semester. I want to learn if there are ways where I can trick my mind into treating schoolwork like cheerleading. A personal goal for me is to transform my wrongs into ways that I can rebound from. An example would be if I failed a test, I want to be able to maximize my efforts into what I can do to be better rather than sulking about failing.
Growth Mindset Parenting: Raising Kids Who Won't Quit
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